As the Economic Promotion Canton of Schaffhausen, it is particularly important to us that a respectful and constructive dialogue is established with regard to our contributions. Regardless of whether there is a reply to a comment or a suggestion to the social media team: Rules of etiquette apply best when commenting in the same way as is done in a face-to-face conversation.
Here we list examples of what we do not tolerate in the comments under our posts:
In principle, we have the right to decide who may join in discussions on our social media channels. In particular, if the rules of this netiquette are violated, we can block comments/users without warning and without having to provide an explanation. If provoked, it will not be responded to. These rules can be unilaterally changed at any time and without prior information.
Care must be taken with one's own information as well as the content of others and no confidential and sensitive information such as account data, contract numbers or access codes should be published.
Comments on our social media channels are public. By commenting, you give your consent for comments, username, images or videos on our social media channels to be used for promotional purposes. You yourself are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permissions with regard to the published content. Any liability for content published by us or by third parties is rejected.
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