A good network is the key to success. It supports you in exchanging experiences, accompanies your growth steps and helps you personally. Welcome to the Schaffhausen startup networks: open platforms for all interested parties who are looking for new contacts and exciting opportunities.
The local hub for startups and founders. The StartHub Schaffhausen is a central contact point for start-ups and SMEs with various networking events for a lively start-up scene in Schaffhausen - area for makers.
The Innovation and Technology Center Schaffhausen is your independent contact for innovation, technology and business issues. They help you to transfer knowledge and technology locally and to network with local SMEs at regular events.
The Industry and Trade Association Schaffhausen represents the interests of industrial and service companies vis-à-vis the authorities, other associations, political parties and the public.
The Cantonal Trade Association (KGV) is the umbrella organization for SMEs in Schaffhausen and represents the economic and political interests of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the areas of trade, commerce, services and healthcare.
Are you interested in marketing? Then discover a dynamic network with the Swiss Marketing Club Schaffhausen. Use the platform for exciting insights, professional exchange, workshops, company tours and the annual Marketing Arena.
The Innovation Network Eastern Switzerland (INOS) promotes innovation in companies in Eastern Switzerland. They strengthen competitiveness and make companies fit for the challenges of tomorrow. Professional, practice-oriented, pragmat.
HR professionals from the Schaffhausen economic region meet at the HR Round Table Schaffhausen. The experts meet at exclusive specialist seminars, where they can continue their training and exchange ideas.
The Junior Cham International Schaffhausen (JCI) is an association of young entrepreneurial personalities who put their heart and soul into social and economic projects.
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