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Infrastructure Opportunities

Are you looking for CDMO partners, production space in the 'Swiss Nutrition Manufacturing Hub', other industrial sites or even space for your own greenfield investment? We have the right solution for your project. Discover our diverse infrastructure and find the right basis for your success.

Nutrition Manufacturing Hub

Investors for scale-up solutions

Falken Brewery competence center

SIG Areal Innovation Park

RhyTech Quartier

Whether you're establishing your first large-scale operation or seeking to expand existing capacity, the site offers a comprehensive range of facilities and services to support your needs. The offerings include manufacturing lines, logistics solutions, warehousing options, laboratory space, and modern office facilities. Additionally, they provide opportunities for redevelopment, utilizing underutilized and brownfield areas to accommodate specific requirements and growth strategies.

Knorri production capacity and capacities

Invest in and equip parts of the hub to use it as a pilot plant / production centre. Benefit from the existing supply and logistics infrastructure. With the possibility to test on Unilever lines.

The can competence center opens the doors to the can market for other breweries. At Falken, you can have your beers brewed and bottled without having to commit to minimum quantities. They can fill the beers supplied in quantities of 25,000 cans or more and even pasteurize them on request. Ideal for cans with a capacity of 33 cl and 50 cl.

With the Rhine Falls right on its doorstep, the once iconic location, which was once used for the manufacture of trains, has made way for a new and open district for working, living and coming together.

Alongside the largest waterfall in Europe, the SIG Innovation Park (with its SkillHub innovation center) is one of the top addresses for tech start-ups. With its direct connection to Zurich and the international airport as well as its proximity to the centers in Stuttgart and Munich in southern Germany, the SIG Innovation Park connects you to the world.

The traditional Alusuisse site will soon be home to a lively and open quarter with rental and owner-occupied apartments, leisure and gastronomy facilities, retail, commercial, office and laboratory space, nestled between the famous Rhine Falls and the Neuhuserwald forest.

12,000 square meters for rent
Food-grade production facilities for wet and dry operation
Former laboratory and pilot plant areas
Office space in various sizes
Fully automated ambient warehouse
Cold and deep-freeze storage
Inbound and outbound logistics
Utility facilities: Electricity, cold water, hot water, waste water, steam, compressed air
Production lines (9 mixing and 13 filling lines)
dry, wet and paste technology
Batch sizes from 300-1000 kg
Gluten-free and allergen-controlled production
Organic/BioSuisse certification
60 hectoliter brewhouse for brew according to your own recipe
Special brewery with a capacity of 4,000 hectoliters per year. Your beer is in the best hands here from 10 hectoliter brews.
Mobile microfiller for small batches in 4 sizes. Suitable for production quantities between 1,000 and 25,000 cans in the sizes Sleek 33 cl, Standard 33 cl, 44 cl and 50 cl.
Partnership with NOMOQ for can design.

There is more

By Gina Ochsner March 4, 2025
Möchtest du erleben, wie ein Industrieroboter «denkt»? Zusehen, wie die neueste Generation von Herzkathetern entsteht oder wie riesige Maschinen pro Minute 1'500 Stück deiner Lieblingsschokolade verpacken? Dann solltest du dir den 12. Juni 2025 unbedingt vormerken!
By Gina Ochsner December 18, 2024
12'000 m2 Infrastruktur stehen im neuen Food Hub der Unilever Schweiz in Thayngen für neue Unternehmen bereit – an zentraler Lage, kombiniert mit viel Expertise in der Nahrungsmittelproduktion. Eine Chance für die Entwicklung der Food-Tech-Kompetenz in der ganzen Region.
By Gina Ochsner December 14, 2023
Wir können nicht weiter essen wie bisher. Das Ernährungssystem braucht einen Wandel. Die Schaffhauser Food-Spezialisten Unilever und Pronatec nehmen mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen eine aktive Rolle in der Neuorientierung ein.

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If you would like to know more details or are interested in other options in Schaffhausen, just get in touch with us.

We will be happy to help you!

Adrian Stettler

Your personal contact

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