In Schaffhausen, companies benefit from many cost advantages. Whether moderate taxes, modern commercial real estate at attractive prices or a low cost of living. This leaves more to invest.
In Schaffhausen, both couples and individuals have a higher disposable income than in many other Swiss regions. After taking into account mandatory taxes and fixed costs such as housing, utilities, commuting, energy and electricity, the remaining amount exceeds that of other Swiss locations such as Zurich or Geneva. In addition, Schaffhausen has a low tax rate for private individuals. Expatriates with local employment contracts also benefit from special tax deductions.
According to the Federal Statistical Office, the cost of living in Schaffhausen is slightly below the Swiss average. In addition, everyday expenses such as food, transportation and other necessities are cheaper in Schaffhausen compared to other well-known Swiss cities.
Compared to other Swiss regions, the overall cost environment in Schaffhausen is attractive. This includes the tax environment, the cost of residential and commercial real estate, building land prices, wage levels and the cost of living (e.g. insurance). Whether modern offices on the banks of the Rhine or right next to the train station, industrial sites with good transport links or charming commercial properties in the old town - Schaffhausen offers a comprehensive range of different types of property on favorable terms.
Numerous multinational companies manage their global and regional corporate activities from Schaffhausen. A wide variety of headquarters functions are also represented here. The reasons for the choice of location are the attractive tax level in international comparison and the reliable location strategy of the Canton of Schaffhausen. With an overall tax burden of 12 - 12.5 percent, Schaffhausen is one of the most attractive business locations in the world. With additional tax instruments such as the patent box and special deductions for research and development, the canton is also strengthening its innovation-friendly business environment.
In addition to attractive taxes, companies with innovative projects in Schaffhausen benefit from cantonal funding instruments and tax relief. Under certain conditions, companies can benefit from subsidies for new projects in the canton of Schaffhausen. These exist in the form of tax relief or individual company subsidies and can be applied for by both newly founded and established companies.
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