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Affordable business and living environment

In Schaffhausen, companies benefit from many cost advantages. Whether moderate taxes, modern commercial real estate at attractive prices or a low cost of living. This leaves more to invest.

Attractive overall Cost Environment

Low corporate Taxation

Higher disposable income

In Schaffhausen, both couples and individuals have a higher disposable income than in many other Swiss regions. After taking into account mandatory taxes and fixed costs such as housing, utilities, commuting, energy and electricity, the remaining amount exceeds that of other Swiss locations such as Zurich or Geneva. In addition, Schaffhausen has a low tax rate for private individuals. Expatriates with local employment contracts also benefit from special tax deductions.

Everyday costs

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the cost of living in Schaffhausen is slightly below the Swiss average. In addition, everyday expenses such as food, transportation and other necessities are cheaper in Schaffhausen compared to other well-known Swiss cities.

Financial Support

Compared to other Swiss regions, the overall cost environment in Schaffhausen is attractive. This includes the tax environment, the cost of residential and commercial real estate, building land prices, wage levels and the cost of living (e.g. insurance). Whether modern offices on the banks of the Rhine or right next to the train station, industrial sites with good transport links or charming commercial properties in the old town - Schaffhausen offers a comprehensive range of different types of property on favorable terms.

Numerous multinational companies manage their global and regional corporate activities from Schaffhausen. A wide variety of headquarters functions are also represented here. The reasons for the choice of location are the attractive tax level in international comparison and the reliable location strategy of the Canton of Schaffhausen. With an overall tax burden of 12 - 12.5 percent, Schaffhausen is one of the most attractive business locations in the world. With additional tax instruments such as the patent box and special deductions for research and development, the canton is also strengthening its innovation-friendly business environment.

In addition to attractive taxes, companies with innovative projects in Schaffhausen benefit from cantonal funding instruments and tax relief. Under certain conditions, companies can benefit from subsidies for new projects in the canton of Schaffhausen. These exist in the form of tax relief or individual company subsidies and can be applied for by both newly founded and established companies.

There is more

By Gina Ochsner January 29, 2024
The fact is that the Canton of Schaffhausen has achieved significant economic development. A development that must be recognized nationally and cantonally.
January 4, 2023
Putting the Canton of Schaffhausen on the radar of entrepreneurs seeking capital and start-ups with scaling potential - that is the goal of PowerPitch. The investor format initiated by Pilbara AG will celebrate its premiere in the Canton of Schaffhausen in March. Next year, female entrepreneurs, founders and start-ups will have the opportunity to present their innovative projects to renowned investors in the Canton of Schaffhausen. The format is called "PowerPitch" and will take place for the first time on 9 March 2023. It will be organised by Pilbara AG. Gian-Rico Willy, former head of UBS Schaffhausen, is co-founder and managing partner of the company. "We want to give companies and people the chance to present their ideas to potential financiers and thus put the Canton of Schaffhausen on their radar," he explains. You can imagine it a bit like on shows like "Die Höhle der Löwen". However, in a more private setting and without a direct deal at the venue. "The event takes place behind closed doors," says Willy. It will take place on the premises of the Economic Promotion of the Canton of Schaffhausen, which assumes the patronage. Pitching only by invitation Connecting capital and investors with projects, ideas and real estate in Switzerland and worldwide is Pilbara AG's business model. "The PowerPitch is a selective event where we present our services on a single day," explains Willy. The event is divided into two parts. It starts in the morning with project pitches whose capital requirements are between 100,000 and 1 million Swiss francs. "These are projects that a bank will not easily finance," says the expert. It does not matter in which phase the projects are. In the afternoon, the focus is on large projects with a financing framework of one to 10 million francs. However, there is no longer a pitch round there. "We bring the start-ups and companies directly together with selected investors, who can then exchange ideas in a 1:1 conversation," says Willy. Already, several companies from different cantons have signed up. At the Start-up Nights in Winterthur in November, further interested companies were added. After an evaluation, Pilbara AG will select the most promising projects and invite them to an exclusive pitch event.
August 22, 2022
Combining a swarm region's dynamics with a nest region's familiarity. That is the future of Schaffhausen. Over 200 Schaffhausen residents have modelled a strategy for a successful place to live, work and do business. Over 60 projects and measures have been developed. The results are now publicly available under the name «next.». Everyone is invited to play a part in turning the Schaffhausen of tomorrow into reality. Schaffhausen has continued to develop strongly as a business location in recent years. The latest study by Credit Suisse shows Schaffhausen ranks among the Top Ten locations for businesses in Switzerland. To ensure the city and surrounding region maintain their attractiveness as a place to do business, 200 residents have created a strategy to shape the Schaffhausen of the future. Over 60 projects spanning a range of measures have been set out. These will ensure the Schaffhausen of the future combines the dynamics of a swarm region and the familiarity of a nest region. The projects define the path Schaffhausen will take to further increase its attractiveness to businesses and to those seeking to move here. The outcome? The region will attract and become home to dedicated pioneers, entrepreneurs and others with a can-do mentality who want to drive positive change. The ideas are available at next.sh.ch. You can explore, evaluate and, of course, help to turn them into reality online. Everyone has a role to play in this process. Projects such as creating a Campus for Innovation & Technology, measures to strengthen Schaffhausen as a base for advanced manufacturing, establishing networks of eco-systems and increasing our focus on the development of highly-skilled specialists in key sectors are designed to continue to build on Schaffhausen's capabilities and appeal as a business location. Other proposals address wider societal changes such as improving our system of direct democracy, enhancing our public spaces and embodying a welcoming culture. These aim to ensure the residents of Schaffhausen continue to be happy in their surroundings and remain committed to our region. An overview of the projects and proposed measures have been posted on next.sh.ch (in German). All residents who want to play a part in shaping our region for the future are invited to get involved on next.sh.ch !

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