Digitization does not even stop at politics in Schaffhausen: it should now be possible to support a petition for a referendum digitally. This is made possible by the digital identity eID+.
Thanks to direct democracy, it is possible in Switzerland for the electorate to launch their own political initiatives, including people' s motions or popular initiatives. To do this, however, it is necessary to advertise your cause in the streets using signature sheets and to motivate people to sign these sheets by hand.
In the Canton of Schaffhausen this should soon be a thing of the past. A group of young people from Schaffhausen is planning to digitize the collection of signatures. This is made possible by the Schaffhausen eID+, the only cantonal electronic identity in Switzerland. Under the term eCollecting, it should become possible to sign motions or initiative requests via app. " Politics has not yet taken the step into the 21st century," is how the initiators explain their idea. In order for the Schaffhausen parliament to debate the initiative, however, the eCollecting supporters must collect enough signatures - still in the classic way with a sheet of paper.